Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First Gripe

Thought it would be a good idea to create a place to freely and self-indulgently enthuse, agonize, or complain.  Most of that stuff really should NOT be placed on Facebook (more groaning about FB later, I expect it will be one of my main beefs on this blog).

Today's complaint du jour?  Hm...I mostly stayed away from the public-at-large today, so thankfully not much to say about random strangers/rude drivers. 

Okay, I've got one!  The gal at Zumba who is yes, a super-good dancer...but is literally Dangerous On The Dance Floor...creating an ever-widening threat zone with her flailing limbs.  Not only was I tired, puffy, and not at all excited to see myself in the brightly lit gym mirrors, but then I had to dodge Ke$ha and her electric hips.  I'm just saying: you might be a sylph-like pop star, but I'm feeling like 70-year-old Liza Minnelli back here and I've got the heft to toss you across the room.  Watch out for me, girl.